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Learn to Play the Piano

Brilliant decision!  You have chosen to learn to play the piano. An inner drive has brought you to this point of action, and I greatly respect that!  Having taught more than 40,000 piano lessons over the last forty years, I understand the soulful determination of the beginner.  

Piano Instruction

Note from the Author 

To give my students a sure footing in reading the language of music, I designed and refined my favorite way to teach students how to read music and play the piano.  My unique system, Read Music Method, builds skill upon skill, removing confusion from the beginning stages of learning to play the piano.  


The pages of this website have many words of explanation provided for adults and teens.  The pages of my book, Read Music Method (for young beginners), are filled with images and activities, and very few words. Children confidently turn the pages and begin trying the next exercises for the sheer fun of it.  


Very young beginners can take all the time needed to gain confidence and ability as the tasks are designed to build one upon another.  The instructions are simple and never overwhelming. Sometimes I present a challenge to the student, but always a fun challenge.


I teach adult students using my system also, using Read Music Method for Adult Beginners.  They are very excited when they discover that they can read music so easily and logically. They quickly move into reading intermediate music.


Often older students, tell me, before beginning their first lesson, "I can't read Bass clef."  They always leave their first lessons with the ability to read Bass clef and smiling.


Even a student with a short attention span will enjoy learning to read music and to play the piano using my method.  It is arranged to entice the child to attempt new tasks which build his or her skills with much hands-on and fun activities.


Read Music Method for Adult Beginners

Read Music Method for Adult Beginners provides an unforgettably fun and easy way to learn how to read music and play the piano.  Ages 12 and up can set their own pace, and quickly make the leap from beginner to intermediate.

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